Do I need the new WordPress v5.0 Gutenberg editor?

WP Gutenberg editor logo

If you haven’t heard, WordPress has recently released the most significant change to its editing interface in years.

We agree the new editor interface will improve WordPress productivity (once you’re used to it), but for now we’re encouraging clients NOT to update, because:

  • Security patches are likely.
  • Not all themes and plugins are Gutenberg-compatible (yet).

What does this mean for my existing site?

The classic editor will be supported until 2022. Creative Passion will continue to support existing websites which we created/maintain via the current editor interface. And over time, we’ll engage clients on a case-by-case basis to make each site’s transition as manageable as possible. We expect each client’s site will have unique needs, challenges, timelines and solutions. Handling the transition like this should provide a smooth experience.

Please ignore Gutenberg upgrade notification emails and on-screen requests for now. Please contact us if you have concerns.